and fashion magazines

I've always loved fashion. Although I never really realized how much it was a part of my life, it always found a way of seeping into my little world. I believe that this interest of mine started when I was really young. I specifically remember that my mom used to have a bookcase full off the latest beauty, lifestyle, fashion and wellness magazines stacked for her to read. I would always go rummaging through them because I was just naturally drawn to them. She still has a lot of the old magazines many years later and it's honestly so refreshing to see what fashion was like back then (especially when a lot of clothing trends, patterns and textures are being repeated today). It's also really inspiring to see how much fashion has evolved and in what ways it has changed.

and fashion magazines

I've always imagined myself working as a graphic designer for fashion magazines at one point in my life. It was always my dream job. Growing up looking at fashion magazines truly helped me to foster and develop a speciifc design style. Over the years, I've spent a lot of time not only analyzing and enjoying the content of fashion magazines, but also the design and overall layout of the magazines themselves.